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12 - Jan 2023
jtsec - Our LINCE 2022
Posted by: jtsec Team

A few days ago, we ended 2022, starting a very exciting 2023 for the whole jtsec team, in which we have no doubt that there will be very interesting projects and challenges. Looking back at the year that has ended, we have seen the incredible evolution that the LINCE methodology has had and the more than significant number of solutions included in the CPSTIC / CCN-STIC 105 catalogue. Therefore, we would like to make a brief summary of our contribution at this point.

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4 - Jan 2023
FITCEM (EN 17640), the first cybersecurity methodology created to meet the European Cybersecurity Act (CSA).
Posted by: José Ruiz

One of the main goals of the CSA is to provide a European cybersecurity certification framework for ICT products, services and processes in order to benefit companies that want to market their solutions in Europe by certifying their products just once and being recognized across the European Union.FITCEM is the first brick in a more united Europe in terms of horizontal cybersecurity schemes. FITCEM (EN 17640), opens the door for CSA schemes to use a European horizontal methodology that is flexible and can be customized to meet the needs of the different schemes.

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5 - Dec 2022
We wish you a happy and cybersecure 2023.
Posted by: jtsec Team

We wish you a happy and cybersecure 2023

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6 - Oct 2022
CrowdStrike and jtsec collaborate in the inclusion of the latest version of Falcon Sensor in the CPSTIC / CCN-STIC 105 catalogue thanks to the Continuous Qualification process.
Posted by: jtsec Team

The Continuous Qualification Strategy mainly concerns those manufacturers and/or developers who already have a product in the Catalogue and whose version has become obsolete due to the development of later versions and wish to include them in the catalogue.

From jtsec we congratulate CrowdStrike for the inclusion of the new version of its Falcon Sensor product and thank them for their confidence in us.

CrowdStrike is a pioneer company at national level with the application of the strategy of continuous qualification, ensuring its customers that they can use the latest technology developed by the company securely. .

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28 - Sept 2022
How to evaluate a video identification solution for being included in the CPSTIC / CCN - STIC 105 catalogue
Posted by: Javier Tallón

There is no denying the recent boom in the use of video identification solutions as a method to enable the management of all kinds of procedures, thus eliminating the need to be present in person. Sectors such as banking, insurance or legal are gradually increasing the use of video identification software in their day-to-day business.

For this reason, the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in BOE núm. 115, of 14 May 2021, regulated remote video identification methods for the issuance of qualified electronic certificates. This forces the providers of this type of services to validate their solutions in the terms established in Anexo F11 de la Guía de Seguridad de las TIC CCN-STIC 140 of the National Cryptologic Centre, by means of product certification, with a deadline of 1 July 2022 for obtaining this certification, a period that was extended to 1st of January 2023.

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