Events & Press

We have collaborated during these years in several events and papers, contributing with our experience in improvement of cybersecurity trying to make the World more cibersecure.

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Researching cybersecurity

As part of our dedication to the development of cybersecurity regulations, we also contribute as speakers in many international conferences.

All our efforts are aimed at building a more cybersecure world and sharing our experience is the way to achieve it.

Find out some of the papers and presentations published by our team.

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Papers and presentations

Common Criteria

(EN) ICCC24 [2024], “ICCC24 Using EUCC to meet CRA

(EN) ICCC24 [2024], “ICCC24 Statistics Report

(EN) ICCC23 [2023], “The new cryptographic evaluation methodology created by CCN and how to apply it for Common Criteria

(EN) ICCC23 [2023], “Experiences evaluating cloud services and products

(EN) ICCC23 [2023], “2023 CC Statistics Report, has Common Criteria reached its peak?

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(ES) XVII Jornadas CCN CERT [2023], “Evolucionando la Evaluación Criptográfica – Episodio II

(ES) XVII Jornadas CCN CERT [2023], “¿Cómo evaluar soluciones biométricas para incluir productos de videoidentificación en el catálogo CPSTIC / CCN -STIC 105?

(ES) Check Point Software Webinar [2023], “La ventaja de implementar una solución de ciberseguridad certificada por el CCN y cumplir el Esquena Nacional de Seguridad

(ES) XVI Jornadas CCNCERT [2022], “España y CCN como referentes en la evaluación de ciberseguridad de soluciones en la nube

(ES) 16 ENISE [2022], “¿Cómo incluir productos y servicios en el catálogo CPSTIC (CCN-STIC 105)?

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Hacking & Pentesting

(ES) XIII Jornadas de CCNCERT [2019], “Los Secretos de tu chip IoT” :

(EN) DevAndFest 2019 Granada [2019], “Mitigating Overflows using Defense-in-Depth. What can your compiler do for you?” :

(EN) CIPRE EXPO [2019], “Industrial Automation Control Systems Cybersecurity Certification

(ES) JASYP (Jornadas sobre Anonimato, Seguridad y Privacidad) 2019 [2019], “Guardianes de Internet: Funcionamiento de DNSSEC” :

(ES) OWASP Barcelona [2018], “Verificando la seguridad de firmwares Android” :

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Other conferences & papers

(EN) ICMC24 [2024], “ICMC24 - Cryptographic Evaluation in Europe is Now a Reality The Spanish Case

(ES) Master de digital law & business tech (Camara de Comercio de Granada) [2024], “Estándares y certificaciones en materia de productos ciberseguros en Europa

(EN) TAICS Workshop on EU Cybersecurity [2023], “Cybersecurity Certification for European Market

(ES) DES-Show 2023 [2023], “Ciberseguridad y transformación digital: el desafío de las pymes

(EN) EUCA 23 [2023], “Evolution of cryptographic evaluation in Europe

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