How to use the CCN product catalog to improve your company's security


- Oct
Posted by: Victor José López Marín
How to use the CCN product catalog to improve your company's security

In today's cybersecurity landscape, protecting business information and systems is more crucial than ever. One of the most valuable resources available to organizations is the STIC Product Catalogue from the Centro Criptológico Nacional (CCN), which has grown significantly in recent years. This catalogue allows entities to select products that meet the highest security standards, ensuring their systems are safeguarded against increasing cyber threats.

We had the pleasure of delivering a presentation on Cybersecurity, titled "Using the CCN Product Catalogue to Improve Your Business Security", as part of the Cybersecurity Chair in collaboration with INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad) and the University of Granada. During the talk, we covered topics such as the risks of using uncertified products, the types of certifications available (Common Criteria and LINCE), the benefits of using qualified products, and how to select a product from the catalogue to ensure proper protection.

We hope that this talk has helped some organizations better understand the STIC Product Catalogue and appreciate its importance in ensuring the protection of their assets. Security is not just a strategic investment, but a necessity for the sustainability of any company in today's market.

For more information, click on the links below:

Victor José López Marín/Senior Consultant

Cybersecurity Consultant at jtsec since 2022. Telecommunications Technology Engineer with a specialization in Telematics and a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity from the University of Granada (UGR). Several years of experience in the field of cybersecurity and LINCE certifications.


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