Some weeks ago, we started a very special project, called ENJAMBRE and we are very proud to collaborate with valuable companies such as Fidesol, Nazaries Intelligenia, Grupo Trevenque, Smart City Cluster and Ontech. The first stage, the one explained in this blog, will end by 28 April 2023.
The objective of this project is to validate through a proof of concept and a pre-prototype a modular solution that incorporates tools, technologies and knowledge, beyond the reach of SMEs, to facilitate a sustainable digitalization process.
This modular solution aims to combine concepts and tools of Artificial Intelligence (autonomous learning), cybersecurity, Industry 4.0 and cyber-intelligence to identify the infrastructure and components of the IT/OT network, maintain a dynamic inventory, prevent specific threats, know their status, provide intelligence in risk management and facilitate the automation and monitoring of the behavior of IIoT devices. This qualitative, quantitative and sustainable leap in the digitization of SMEs will improve their competitiveness, security, efficiency and resilience.
The project is divided into 10 work packages, which have been marked so that its evolution is adequate and reaches a successful conclusion. jtsec takes part in three of them.
These packages are as follows:
jtsec participation in ENJAMBRE project
jtsec participation in ENJAMBRE focuses on incorporating the LINCE methodology into the security design and compliance, enhancing the cybersecurity of ENJAMBRE from its creation phase, which will affect its design decisions. Advice will also be offered when designing the laboratory and simulation environments. Vulnerability, interface and attack vector analysis will be carried out on the pre-prototypes. Our participation is divided into three main activities:
This is only the first of the two stages set out in the roadmap for the creation of ENJAMBRE. jtsec will carry out evaluation according to the LINCE methodology in the second phase.
Collaborate in improving the cybersecurity of a pioneering project for helping the SMEs to their digitalization process is a great step and a honor for us.