Our training experience in Malaysia
One of the objectives in creating jtsec was to support companies to increase their cybersecurity knowledge. For this reason, we have invested a large part of our time in preparing trainings that cover the knowledge needs of our clients.
NIS Directive, its application to Spanish National Security Scheme (ENS), and Spanish National Critical Infrastructure Catalogue (CNPIC)
In the last few years, certain areas of activity or infrastructure which provide essential services, of vital relevance for the continuity of state functioning, have become the target of numerous attacks. It is hard to miss that there is a strong dependency over certain infrastructures whose interruption or destruction would have a huge impact on the health, security and economic wellbeing of the citizens. Such infrastructures have become a high-priority target for state security strategies, materializing the concept of critical infrastructure
As graduates of the UGR etsiit, we speak about our entrepreneurial experience
This morning we had the chance to tell the students of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros en Informática y Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad de Granada about our experience as entrepreneurs shaping jtsec.
jtsec achieves a new milestone by giving his first international talk at the CCUF.
The Common Criteria User Forum mission is to provide a voice and communications channel amongst the CC community stakeholders including the vendors, consultants, testing laboratories, Common Criteria organizational committees, national schemes, policy makers, and other interested parties.
Analysis of the new CCN-STIC 102 and 106 guidelines
The spanish National Cryptological Centre (CCN, Centro Criptológico Nacional) has published in its website, on 10/25/2017, the CCN-STIC 102 and 106 Guides, where the they have included the process to be followed for Approval of ICT security products for handling classified national information and for the inclussion of ITC security products in the spanish Catalog of ITC Security Products (CPSTIC).