SIC magazine of April 2018 (Nº129) has published an article of ours.
Since we started in this world of IT security, we have had the SIC magazine as an example and we were quite excited about this collaboration
Furthermore, we have written on a topic that we consider of particular significance: The SIC products catalogue
The CPSTIC is the reference catalogue for the adquisition of TIC products in public organisms that are affected by the National Security Scheme (ENS) and of forced complianceby the products used in organisms which work with classified information
It has been designed following a very innovative approximation which provides a great flexibility for its future evolution allowing for the acquisition of certified products within the Spanish administration with a higher level of security and simplicity. It is a key tool that places Spain in a cutting-edge position in regard to the fight against cyberthreats by preventing them through an adequate use of certifications.
You may find the complete article here.
If you have any question about the catalogue, do not hesitate and contact our experts at hello [at]