Hack the Box Optimum. OS: Windows. Difficulty: Easy. Points: 20. Our testers on their way to OSCP certification.
Today, Internet security relies on seven physical keys held by 14 people who meet regularly. They are guarded by security measures so that no one endangers the system. Who are these 14 people? Are they always the same? What would happen if someone got these keys?
We have generated a new report with of Common Criteria world trends in the period from January to September 2019
Common Criteria Statistics Report has been updated with latest version of CCScrapper tool for 2019 quarters 1-3.
Hack the Box Node. OS: Linux. Difficulty: Medium. Points: 30. Our testers on their way to OSCP certification.
jtsec contribution to Study Period for security evaluation of connected vehicles based on ISO/IEC 15408
jtsec has participated in the ongoing work of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 3 group for the Study Period on Evaluation criteria for connected vehicle information security based on ISO/IEC 15408