CCScrapper has been run again to obtain the latest Common Criteria certification data up to October 2019.
During the last months we have worked hard in improving CCScrapper tool. In case you dont know it, it is a Python-based script that collects data about Common Criteria Certifications from Common Criteria Portal for generating statistics about product security certifications around the world. The new version of the scrapper now also collects information from the different web portals of world-wide Certification Bodies. This new feature has allowed us to compare and analyze the results from different sites and enabled us to generate new statistics.
As usual, you are welcome to check the results shown in the report, and feel free to tell us any error that you find.
If you want to know a specific statistic or you think that it could be interesting for the community, please share it with us and we will include it in the next versions of this report.
Among the new statistics included in this release of the report, we included the usage of Collaborative Protection Profiles during the last two years, which reveal interesting results.
Do you want to know which is the laboratory with more certified products during 2019? And the top-5 manufacturers of certified products? Which Protection Profile is the most used? There are tasty news During this year, are you going to miss them?