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21 - May 2020
UL 2900-1 General Requirements
Posted by: Juan Martínez

This first part of the UL 2900 standard is applied to networked products that must be evaluated against threats, malware and security breaches. This standard defines all the general requirements to be met from a software point of view, therefore it does not contain how to verify the functional specification of the product nor the hardware requirements.

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5 - May 2020
The Basque Government launches a grant of up to 18,000 euros in Industrial Cybersecurity
Posted by: jtsec Team

SPRI, the Basque Agency for Business Development, is implementing non-refundable economic aids in the field of Industrial Cybersecurity. Thus, the Basque Country intends to verify and increase the cybersecurity of its industrial sector, one of the bases of the economy of the area.

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29 - April 2020
Inspirational Success Stories and Personal Interview with jtsec
Posted by: jtsec Team

Interview for the European cibersecurity project CONCORDIA

This week we had the honor of being interviewed in the first CONCORDIA project newsletter, where we told about our beginnings A project that creates a user-centred integrated EU cyber security ecosystem for digital sovereignty in Europe. A uniting project in the field of cybersecurity of which we are very proud to be a part and to see it grow.

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27 - April 2020
CPSTIC updates its product catalogue after the LINCE evaluation or JTSEC complementary STIC test
Posted by: José Ruiz

The Spanish National Cryptologic Center (CCN) includes in its CPSTIC Security Products Catalog five new products evaluated by jtsec. In collaboration, side by side, with five of our international clients, at jtsec we evaluate the cybersecurity of IT products detecting possible vulnerabilities with an exhaustive testing before the products go to market.

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22 - April 2020
Road to OSCP - Hack The Box Write Up - Granny

Hack the Box Granny. OS: Windows. Difficulty: Easy. Points: 20. Our testers on their way to OSCP certification.

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