SPRI, the Basque Agency for Business Development, is implementing non-refundable economic aids in the field of Industrial Cybersecurity. Thus, the Basque Country intends to verify and increase the cybersecurity of its industrial sector, one of the bases of the economy of the area.
Which companies can benefit from these subsidies?
Any company participating in a project related to Industrial Cybersecurity in industrial companies, technical services, design and logistics companies linked to the industrial product or process and located in the Basque Country. The percentage of subsidy on the "maximum accepted budgets of expenses and investments" for the project will be 50%, being able to reach a maximum amount of aid calculated in 18.000 Euros.
The application for this subsidy is already available from April 21st, and can be requested at the web site . Once granted, we will help you during the whole evaluation and consultancy process that will be carried out by our own cybersecurity laboratory.
What kind of standards and norms does jtsec use in its Industrial Cybersecurity service?
At jtsec we evaluate according to widely recognized Industrial Cybersecurity standards, such as: IEC 62443-4-2 for devices or IEC 62443-4-1 for the evaluation of the life cycle followed in the development of the product.
Likewise, jtsec is the first laboratory officially accredited by ENAC to evaluate the security of ICT products according to theLINCE scheme. LINCE is being a methodology and certification increasingly required in the industrial world, after its great success in the Spanish administration. LINCE certification allows the evaluation and certification of ICT security products by the National Cryptologic Centre and would fit within the requirements of the grants promoted by SPRI, the Basque Agency for Business Development.
Why choose jtsec for your companys industrial cyber security evaluation?
jtsec is a pioneering laboratory with more than 100 evaluated products and recognized experts in cyber security and ethical hacking. Our wide experience at national and international level makes us a reference in the sector with more than 14 years of experience.
jtsec participates in the IACS Cybersecurity Certification Framework project as editor of the recommendations to be delivered to the European Commission for the creation of a European certification scheme for industrial components. Therefore, at jtsec we are up to date with the requirements that will be asked to companies in the next years in Europe.
For more information you can visit our website in the section dedicated to industrial cyber security.
We accompany you during the whole process, for jtsec every product and every client is unique, and that is how we understand your project. Our commitment to the success of your project is total, with a team of first level experts in cyber security at your disposal.
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