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4 - May 2021
Cybersecurity certification in Europe, 2 years of the Cybersecurity Act
Posted by: José Ruiz

The Cybersecurity Act aims to achieve this objective by creating a common European framework for the development of common schemes for cybersecurity certification. The Cybersecurity Act or CSA sets out three levels of assurance (basic, substantial and high) that will allow the evaluation of systems, processes and products

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22 - April 2021
Do you want to keep your product version updated in the CPSTIC catalog?
Posted by: jtsec Team

Due to the speed at which manufacturers develop their products, on many occasions when certification ends; the product, which continues to evolve and improve, is already in versions later than the certified one, thus creating a gap between versions that the manufacturer is developing and the version that appears in the catalog. In order to solve this problem, the Continuous Qualification Strategy was created.

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8 - April 2021
McAfee and jtsec, committed to cybersecurity
Posted by: jtsec Team

At jtsec we work to improve the cybersecurity of the products of the most leading companies in the IT sector, therefore, having customers like McAfee and being able to collaborate in the improvement of their cybersecurity, is always a challenge. In addition, we would like to to thank McAfee for its excellent attitude towards cybersecurity by making public the three CVEs (Common Vulnerability Exposure) of its product McAfee Web Gateway found during the evaluation process.

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3 - March 2021
The state of vehicle cybersecurity in Europe
Posted by: Alberto Caravaca

Nowadays, the automotive sector does not have the obligation to certify the cybersecurity of the vehicles. This makes cyber-attacks common in today’s vehicles, the implications of these attacks are very broad

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18 - Febr 2021
Evaluating the cybersecurity of electric vehicle chargers
Posted by: jtsec Team

The automotive industry has been undergoing a major transformation for some years now. The need to reduce the environmental impact produced for so many decades by fossil fuels, means that the future of the automotive industry must involves electric vehicles. In 2020, more than 3 million electrified (plug-in) vehicles, including plug-in hybrids and 100% electric vehicles, were already sold.

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