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19 - Augst 2020
The next cybersecurity schemes in Europe, a glimpse into the future.
Posted by: Javier Tallón

Europe has been, and still is, a referent in terms of cybersecurity. Nevertheless, it is always good to look at what is being done by Standards Development Organizations at an international level, to serve as a basis for the creation of new schemes. Cybersecurity certifications will advance in all sectors, but there are areas, such as the industrial sector, the 5G networks, or everything related to the autonomous vehicles, which will require special attention in the coming months.

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13 - Augst 2020
Industrial Cybersecurity. Evaluation and Compliance with IEC 62443-4-2
Posted by: jtsec Team

Industrial Cybersecurity is defined as the protection of information and industrial infrastructure processes that may be susceptible to cyber-attacks. Industrial cybersecurity is key to keep critical systems up and factories operational. Industrial companies need to grow, expand and benefit from the digital transformation in what we know as Industry 4.0, the Industrial Internet or the Connected Industry 4.0.

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29 - July 2020
PCI-CPoC a new standard for PCI Contactless Payments on COTS.
Posted by: jtsec Team

PCI-CPoC is a new security standard approved by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) for smartphones or other contactless payment devices like wearables, tablets, etc. known as COTS (commercial off-the-shelf).

The PCI CPoC standard brings security and testing requirements for products that support contactless payments on a commercial COTS device using a built-in NFC reader.

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21 - July 2020
EUCC versus Common Criteria, a new cybersecurity scheme for the certification of ICT products in Europe.
Posted by: Javier Tallón

Javier Tallón, our Technical Manager is a member of ENISA ad-hoc Working Group on SOG-IS successor scheme to support the preparation of a candidate EU cybersecurity certification scheme as a successor to the existing schemes operating under the SOG-IS MRA.

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15 - July 2020
Smart Meters, European common rules in the energy market.
Posted by: jtsec Team

Since 2009, the EU has formed directives concerning common rules for the internal market for electricity and gas, promoting the installation of “Smart Metering Systems” in the Members States. So, in 2020, at least 80% of the houses should be equipped with Smart Metering Systems, making easier to optimize the supply for each home depending on the particular consumption needs and habits.

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