2020 has been a truly unusual year in the business world, the pandemic caused by COVID19 has marked the course of the whole year in conditions to which we were not used to, where uncertainty has been one of the most notable features.
Looking at the certifications obtained in Common Criteria, 2020 has been, since the methodology was created, the second in history with the highest number of certified products with 388, only surpassed by 2016 with 395 certifications (7 more).
CCScraper is a Python script that automatically analyzes information from the official Common Criteria portal and the portals of the several certification bodies.. This tool has been developed and improved by jtsec in recent years, offering a comprehensive collection of data that allows us to have an accurate view of the sector.
This report shows data for 2020, the last five years, as well as historical trends since the beginning of the application of Common Criteria as an evaluation methodology.
If you would like to know any specific statistic that you think would be interesting for the community or you find any mistake in the data, please send us your comments and we will include it in the next version of the report.
Do you want to know which types of products have been the most certified, which countries are at the top of certifications or which is the most used Protection Profile? Do not hesitate to download the report by clicking on the link below. In addition, if you are interested about all our services and tools for cybersecurity consulting and certification that we have, take a look at our website.