jtsec 2019: A look back


- Dec
Posted by: José Ruiz
jtsec 2019: A look back

TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) is jtsec greatest asset and it has grown up to 12 members. As a Christmas Gift, 2 new more teammates will join us in early January. More talent on board! 99% of jtsec success is due to his members PROFESSIONALITY AND COMMITMENT. The other 1% is just luck

During 2019, we also moved to our new facility creating a workspace that allow ourselves to develop our creativity in a comfortable environment.

TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE. Thanks to support of our PARTNER LABS we have experienced an increase in the consultancy projects in different standards such as Common Criteria, FIPS 140-2 or PCI-PTS

GET INVOLVED IN THE INSPIRATIONAL PROJECT. We have seen how our little baby “LINCE” has grown up. We achieved to be the first ISO/IEC 17025 accredited lab to carry out LINCE evaluations. We have started 15 LINCE projects this year making us very happy to support our partners business goals.

GIVE PROFIT A PURPOSE. We have launched an initiative that makes us very proud supporting the IBERIAN LYNX SURVIVAL. We have adopted one lynx for each employee and our key collaborators. For every customer that completes its LINCE certification, we will adopt on behalf of the company an Iberian lynx, the most threatened cat on the planet. Join the movement and adopt your Lynx! Visit: adopt your Lynx!

SHARING IS CARING! We have consolidated our commitment with the cybersecurity standardization with contributions at National level (Lince becoming UNE standard), European level (Myself as editor at JTC13 WG3 New project for a lightweight methodology and editor at IACS ERNCIP project) and International level (Javier as rapporteur of the new study period for Patch Management at ISO and Jose P. as active contributor at ISO in the study period for the connected vehicles based on ISO/IEC 15408).

We have also joined two key associations for the jtsec growth: Eurosmart (The Voice of the Digital Security Industry) and On Granada Tech City (A key player for the growth of our city).

We have participated as speakers in well-known Cybersecurity Events (ICCC in Singapore, CIPRE-Expo in Milan, CCN-CERT in Madrid, EUCA in Brussels or ENISE in Leon) and we have written several articles in the SIC magazine promoting cybersecurity certification. We have also written some articles for “El Pais” – one of the most important newspaper in Spain, sharing cybersecurity recommendations with the general public.

And we have supported our roots sponsoring Hackiit, the University of Granada Hacking team.

CELEBRATE EVERY SUCCESS. We have received our first award: the SIC Magazine 2019 award and being honest… we still cannot believe it. Thanks to the SIC Magazine to show the importance of Cybersecurity Certifications.

And finally, Javier, one of our team members, has been chosen as the only Spaniard to join the Ad-Hoc WG to create the first European Scheme under the Cybersecurity Act Umbrella.

Now, it’s time to slow down, relax and enjoy your Friends and Family!

On behalf of the jtsec team, I wish you the best during the holidays and a fruitful new year!

See you in 2020!

José Ruiz/CTO

Jose is an expert consultant on the Common Criteria standard with more than 10 years of experience. Jose has a wide background in other security assurance standards in the field of the information technology as Common Criteria, FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140-3, GP TEE, PCI-PTS, LINCE. Jose has served as an evaluator, Technical Leader and CC Consultant for Epoche&Espri and as CC lab manager and Cyber Security Service Manager for Applus+. His experience has led him to participate as a speaker in various editions of the ICCC (International Common Criteria Conference) and ICMC (International Cryptographic Module Conference). He has been the “Chairman” of a subgroup within the ISCI WG1 Eurosmart Initiative to develop the CC Methodology. He is also member of different working groups as ISO SC27 or Global Platform TEE and an active member of the group ERNCIP “IACS Cybersecurity certification“.

In 2017 he founded with Javier what is now known as jtsec. He is currently in charge of promoting the commercial expansion of the company from its headquarters in Madrid as CTO. In addition, he represents jtsec in various national and international forums and is responsible for quality.


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