The SIC magazine of February 2019 (Nº133) has published our article.
The different countries of the European Union are giving answers to improve the situation of cybersecurity certification. Spain has already done so and its response is called LINCE: a lightweight certification, focused on vulnerability analysis and with a limited duration and cost.
LINCE is a lightweight methodology for evaluating and certifying ICT products, created by the National Cryptologic Center, of national scope (for the time being), based on Common Criteria principles and oriented to vulnerability analysis and penetration tests. LINCE strengths over more robust certifications mainly consist of reduced effort, duration and cost to the manufacturer. However, the way in which it is applied also makes it possible to pay more attention to the critical points of each product, giving more weight to concrete and practical tests that combat real threats than to dense documentation or exhaustive functionality tests.
LINCE is not a substitute for other certifications such as Common Criteria, its objective is to offer a guarantee of security for manufacturers and consumers at a more affordable level in time, effort and money, and is currently especially focused on the entry of certified products in the CPSTIC catalog, although the methodology itself can be used perfectly in more private frameworks.
We leave you the complete article here.
If you want to certify your product, do not hesitate to contact jtsec experts in hello [at]