It is finally here!
Our CCScrapper tool continues to bear fruit and the first annual statistical report of Common Criteria is here.
For you that are still not aware, CC Scraper is a Python script that analyses automatically the information from the Common Criteria Portal using OCR capabilities, PDF reading, and other features, providing a comprehensive statistics report of the CC certifications.
Feel free to share the results shown in the report, and do not hesitate to tell us any error that you find, we are humans after all ;)
If you want to know a specific statistic or you think that it could be interesting for the community, please share it with us and we will include it in the next versions of this report.
This new release of the report has some new specific statistics for the last 5 years and an analysis of the most used protection profiles.
During this year 2018, the manufacturer with the largest number of certified products is... It is a tie! And in the third place, a new challenger! Do you want to know who they are?
Next report estimated time of arrival: July 2019