Better late than never!
Three weeks after the 17th International Common Criteria Conference, were our CCScrapper tool was presented, the first version of our biannual Common Criteria statistics report is finally here!
For you that are still not aware, CC Scraper is a Python script that analyses automatically the information from the Common Criteria Portal using OCR capabilities, PDF reading, and other features, providing a comprehensive statistics report of the CC certifications.
Feel free to share the results shown in the report, and do not hesitate to tell us any error that you find, we are humans ;)
If you want to know a specific statistic or you think that it could be interesting for the community, please share it with us and we will include it in the next versions of this report, lot of comments were received during the last ICCC and we are already in our way to implement them.
What are you waiting for to know the detected trends for Q1, Q2 and Q3 2018 in the Common Criteria universe! Are you between the top labs or manufacturers this time?
Next report estimated time of arrival: January